Once you have received your Allpay card, there are a number of ways you can pay. On the card you will find a long number, this is your Allpay account number.
If you don’t have an Allpay card or have lost your existing one, you can order a new one by contacting the office.
If you need further help with any of the payment methods below please contact the finance department.
To Make a payment over the phone, call 0330 041 6497
You will need your 19 digit number from your Allpay card to hand.
The Allpay phone line is an automated service and is available 24/7
www.allpayments.net – Internet Payments
To pay online you will need to set up an accout, this will only take a few minutes.
Make sure you have your Allpay card to hand. Once you have set your password and security questions you will be taken through to “Make a payment”.
From here you can select “add new accout”. You will need to add the number from your allpay card. Once you have fnished all the steps, this account will be saved for easy future payments.
To pay via the app, you will need to first download it from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Once the app is downloaded, you will need to register an account, this should only take a few minutes. Once you have set up an account, you will need to add a payment account by selecting
“Add new account” on the payment screen. Follow the instructions on this page, you will need the long number from your Allpay card. These details will be saved in the app and will be available to use at any time. If you wish to save the card and use it in future transactions, tick the “Save Card Details” checkbox.
allpay on the App Store apple.com
Visit any Post Office or shop displaying the PayPoint logo. Bring your Allpay card and chosen form of payment (cash or bank card).
The person at the PayPoint will swipe your Allpay card, crediting the payment to your account.
To find your nearest PayPoint store – consumer.paypoint.com
To find your nearest Payzone store – Store Locator (payzone.co.uk)
To find your nearest Post Office – Branch Finder | Post Office
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