Vision & Mission

Our Vision: Helping to Maintain Sustainable Rural Communities

Our Mission: To Provide Energy Efficient Homes for Rural People in Need

Corporate Strategy 2023 to 2028

Our Principles


Effective strategy, delivering value for money, incorporating
equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI); decarbonisation;
environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues;
and understanding what is happening in our homes.




Financial resilience and viability within ethical standards; whilst
delivering on decarbonisation, affordability and wellbeing of residents.







Our Purpose


Grow the housing stock to meet environmental targets, social and community well-being.







Maintain and improve homes to a good standard in a
sustainable manner in accordance with our Decarbonisation Strategy;
deliver a quality repairs and maintenance service; and
demonstrate a pro-active approach to asset management which is informed by accurate data.



Our People


Prioritise the needs of residents as key stakeholders and work with residents to ensure that they have a voice and influence decision making across the organisation.





Nurture inspirational governance, leadership and management
capability, promoting a collective and individual accountability, providing a framework for colleagues with a wide variety of development routes, supporting colleagues to develop expertise and provide an environment where our people and organisation can thrive.


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